Tag Archives: website

Front page is finally completed

So.. I’ve finally got around to creating front page for this site, it looks pretty good, (well, at least I like it), the concept was to allow the showcasing of the latest project I’ve worked on. I know the usage of iframes is definitely frowned upon, however, with the number of tools such as the Webpage Archiver requiring relative links, it seemed the best way of approaching this without causing major issues with auxiliary webpages.

It’s my first time playing with Jquery, and I find it pretty fun and interesting. I definitely see myself toying with it more in the upcoming months.

On another note, the Webpage Archiver tool is now available for use for the public. I don’t have a description page for it yet, but it soon will.
Go try it out 🙂

Essentially it downloads and saves texts/images for archiving purposes.

Currently I am looking for methods to improve the content delivery time of files saved by the archiver.

Welcome to my site.

If you are reading this posting… then You’ve come at fabulous time!


Because this experienced software developer is about to graduate
and is ready to contribute to YOUR company!

(That is right, this is blatant self-promotion HA!)

If you’re seriously interested, check the rest out on my About page

I’ve tried to make this website as clean as possible! But with all those theme’s to pick from, it was ridiculously hard to pick. I hope this theme works out… I like clean websites…  and clean code 🙂