Tag Archives: canvas

HTML5 Canvas – Pong

Hi again,

It’s been said that the classic game of Pong is the ‘hello world’ of game creation, and thus I wanted to try my hand at it. In line with my previous attempt at HTML5, this is also built on the canvas element in HTML5.

The AI is a bit shoddy, but hey, it’s a functional game. Interestingly enough, while I was on my lunch break at work, I couldn’t help but test out this game on my phone, which brought me to adding some touch-screen mobile support to it. I have tested it on a touchscreen IPhone and I’m delighted to say it works as expected.



You can click here to try the game out.

HTML5 Canvas

Hi all, been busy with work!

but I found some spare time to try out HTML5 for the first time and I ended up making the game Snake – the classic game from the nokia phones.

Play the game here.