Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
I kept getting Completed — Failed — Died and
CRRBF1253I Build Forge: Process for id [] [B] died unexpectedly.
After checking out http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21634022 and
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21634022 there was still no solution in sight.
Finally I was able to solve the issue in my buildforge instance by disabling *sticky* in my inline libraries. I was also using .bset server and .bset buildserver. My theory is that some interaction between the sticky and the bset were conflicting.
Just in case some poor sap like me gets stuck with errors
connecting to Build Forge Agents:
320 AUTH AuthFail[*AuthUnknownUser,"username"]
CRRBF0158I: Unable to set user account to unknown account (builder)
at com.ibm.jas.mjc.server.refresh.AgentServerTestFiber.checkAuth(AgentServerTestFiber.java:431)
Some fixes..
sudo cp /etc/pam.d/login /etc/pam.d/bfagent
sudo /usr/local/bin/bfagent -s
Short two liner for ANT zipping on Windows.
>build.xml echo ^<project^>^<zip destfile=^"zipFile.zip^" basedir=^"toBeZipped^" /^>^</project^>
Because Windows doesn’t apparently have a zip command line.
Updated here for Windows without ANT.
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014
Wanting to use the messages in ICU4J, I was lead to believe one needed to run the command:
genrb root.txt
This produces root.res.
However using the following snippet results in the error message below:
UResourceBundle urb = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("Your package path","root");
>Data file yourPackagePath/root.res is corrupt - ICU data file error: Header authentication failed, please check if you have a valid ICU data file
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
“Cookie cannot be resolved to a type”
I swear I’ve seen this error like 5 times in eclipse now, and I have yet to learn my lesson.
If this error originates from a jsp file, your project doesn’t have a valid target webserver (in my case – tomcat).
So just make sure it’s configured correctly.
Thought I’d just leave this here,
because almost all top searches in google were useless to me.
Monday, August 22nd, 2011
Since I haven’t posted anything lately,
I have something random that interested me and that searches on GOOGLE has not helped.

Cows VS Aliens. Pretty fun game. 0.99$
You need moar Milk Points (MP)? No problem. Read on.
Monday, January 10th, 2011
IPATO – (Information Processing Aptitude Test Online by IBM)
Interesting little aptitude test lasting about half an hour.
It’s main purpose is to get an idea of how fast your mind can handle things.
It included three main sections, matrix manipulation, numerical reasoning, and number series.
- Matrix manipulation isn’t exactly matrix manipulation… it was more-so of a test of how fast you can follow their simple manipulation instructions.
- Numerical Reasoning included standard testing questions. (Most questions easier than others). To prepare yourself for this section, go study for the GRE or something similar.
- Finally number series. This is something either you get right away or you don’t. This is the one that has the highest time constraint, and people will either do very well on it (and finish with a few seconds left), or simply not finish at all.
You are timed. Which naturally adds pressure.
Prepare yourself with some empty matrix boxes for the matrices section.
Study numerical reasoning sections similar to the GRE.
Take it when you’re relaxed and ‘in the zone’.